This custom light pole was created by Ameron™ pole products using Davis Colors concrete pigments.
Davis Colors are available through Building Material Dealers, Ready-Mix Concrete Companies and from Concrete Product Manufacturers throughout the U.S. and Canada. We are currently building a international network of distributors. You can locate authorized dealers near you or you can become a dealer by filling out our Contact form. If you are a dealer and want to catch up on the latest Davis news and product information, read on.
Dealer News
The Dealer News page is a place to learn about news and information from Davis Colors to help dealers sell concrete colors. In addition, we have provided a directory of related web sites that can provide useful concrete construction information.
FREE Web Exposure
Many of our dealers and customers send us pictures of colored concrete projects. Every month or so we select the best pictures and post them on our web site. This gives dealers, contractors and architects the opportunity to show off their work (and their phone number) to the many visitors who stop by our site. To see the current featured projects, visit the Photos By Project Gallery.
Sales Tools
Davis provides dealers with everything needed to sell colored concrete. In addition to color cards and sample kits, dealers can take advantage of an assortment of sales brochures, videotapes, signage and this web site. If you are a Davis Dealer and are low on sales materials, you can order more on our Literature page.
Dealers Wanted
As a Davis Dealer, you’ll enjoy the technical and marketing support of North America’s leading manufacturer of concrete colors. We have been meeting the needs of concrete producers for over 40 years, and are ready to help you take full advantage of the growing interest in colored concrete. To express your company’s interest in becoming a Davis Colors Dealer, please fill out our Contact form or call us at (323) 269-7311 or fax to (323) 269-1053.
International Dealers Wanted
Become a part of our growing international network. To express your interest, please fill out our Contact form or fax our export department in Los Angeles, California U.S.A. at 323-269-1053. Qualified applicants will be sent a complete international distributor packet describing our distributor program and products.